Monday, January 25, 2010

Cuti yang memenatkan....

Salam all....sebenarnya ni dah masuk minggu kedua cuti. Tapi tak rasa macam cuti sebab last week I decided to undergo a checkup for my legs. I do  have problem with my legs...dekat pergelangan kaki tu bengkak. Doctor says its bcoz of my blood circulation...darah nak naik atas lambat dats why dia bengkak. So last Monday jumpa doktor - Dr Marina. She asked me buat CT scan...cost me abt RM652/= pastu blood test...bla bla....that day je the bill was close to RM 900. Rabu nak kena datang hubby suruh tanya Dr if we can get the insurance coverage. Boleh...tapi kena masuk wadlah...

masa nak buat CT scan...sempat snap dalam toilet...he he...

On Wednesday pulak buat skull test and nerve test. Every thing okay except that my hemoglobin tu rendah sikit. Namanya kena masuk wad tapi bila petang je I cabut balik. Pagi Khamis baru datang ...hari Jumaat pun macamtu. Keluar masuk hospital je....Next month baru buat new appointment jumpa Dr Marina.

Masa tengah kat rumah tu, receive  a call fr officemate...I agak apahal lah..rupanya tanya if I buat tart nenas.. Kawan punya pasal buat je lah itupun sorok-sorok tak mau yang lain tau. Only buat utk a few of them saje...
Nenas pun tadi baru beli. So tomorrow kena pi Semban jap...keluar lagiii...beli barang untuk tart & kena gi office jap. And yes...sempat buat chocolate cookies last Sabtu...tadi gi KL bagi sikit kat anak buah kat Kramat & PJ.
chocolate cookies for nephews & nieces

Till then...I'l update later ye...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cuti lagi..........

Salam all..... these past week was quite hectic for me as I've started going to office back. Seminggu je kerja .... then will be on leave again  starting 18th January until end of the month. Penat rasanya nak kena catch up kerja2 and then preparing things to be done before I cuti lagi. Bulan depan baru betul-betul settle down.

It's midnite now....not to worry, hubby is not at home. Outstation for two days and balik besok. Dunno what to pen down lah... As usual besok got to do my ironing.....balut buku sekolah anak. Will think of something  later....

Till then.....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First day of school

Penat betul.... nama saje cuti tapi dari hari tu tak lekat kat rumah. Balik dari Kelang - Rabu then besok terus beli buku budak and the school uniforms sampai ke petang. Then got a call from my biras, Sal bagitau diorang nak ke Pangsun tomorrow. Ikut sajelah but we'll go from Seremban.

Actually 31/12/2009 was my birthday. Dah tua dah takde celebrate2. Just went for midnite movie without the kids. Watched Avatar.

4th January 2010...First day of school. Pagi pergi bayar yuran Idi. Sekolah dekat je..dalam housing area ni jugak. My kids walked to school. Then petang settlekan si kembar pulak. Huishhhh penat.

Abang & Adik trying their school uniforms...

The big brother..he's a school prefect..

Abang & Adik nak masuk kelas. Tahun ni kelas tak sama.....

This year Farah dah secondary school. Dah besar dah anak dara gue...dah masuk alam remaja. Idi dah darjah 4 & kembar darjah 2. Back to normal school life...and also my ironing...huh. I still have my leave until end of the week.

Till then.....